I'm Timmésha Burgess
Author | Speaker | Divine Mystic | Visionary | Humanitarian | Award-Winning Journalist | Tech Founder | Earth Advocate
Years Experience
Awards Winning
Published Articles
Published Book
Speaking Events
Mental Health & Personal Development
Reproductive Rights & Prochoice
Women & Girls Sexual Empowerment (Taboo Education)
Emotional Intelligence
World & International Affairs
Unorthodox Spirituality & Meditation
Leadership & Individual Value
Training & Development
Timmésha is a highly sought-after public figure. Her passions involve developing new-age philosophies on sexual & sensual alchemy that help heal mental & emotional trauma. Her teachings are tailored & targeted for survivors of rape, FGM, & molestation- to reactivate their stolen power for the purpose of mental health & personal development. She is the CEO of Synergy (Plus+) telehealth for special needs professionals, creator of Fireside Chats for Global Women-Because turning pain into power is sexy, & 0wner of lifestyle brand ALCHEMINITY.
Divine Mystic
Divine Mystic
About Timmésha
Timmésha was born with a veil—a phenomenon in which babies were both feared and revered, known for having psychic powers, seen as future Dalai Lamas, being mystics, and believed to be reincarnated monarchs and witches. However; other cultures consider this rare birth sighting to be the sign of a child who would rise to become a vampire after death, or transform into a werewolf.
Brands with Purpose
Although I innovated solutions within the Medicaid developmental disabilities healthcare space, by developing Synergy (Plus+) technologies. A telehealth tool that guides administrative practices for professionals who serve our special needs populations; I did it from my Yang-masculine energy. A power within me that saw a major problem and dared to build a solution. But there was still an integral piece of life's puzzle that was missing.
What's that you wonder?
Brands that innovate, create, and birth the seedlings of that which can truly evolve people and our planet.
Therefore, ALCHEMINITY and FIRESIDE CHATS FOR GLOBAL WOMEN- Because Turning Pain into Power is Sexy were born, but this time from my Yin-feminine power. An energy that does not seek to run the world, but simply decides to create its own.
Timmésha has been featured on...
I've just published a mind-altering book just for you.
Timmésha's Blog
New Book
Activate Unorthodox philosophies that explore anxiety, depression, and suicidal thoughts as symptoms of suppressed superpower Written by: Timmésha Burgess timmeshaburgess@gmail.com www.linkedin.com/in/timmeshaburgess I hold a Bachelor’s in Sociology and a Masters
Fear of feminine power is a mental disorder
There’s a common misconception that feminine power = women only, and that cannot be further from the truth! Feminine power is an infinite energy that exists in us all, one that’s been demonized, misused, and abused for centuries.
Flora & Fauna Speaks
Written by: Timmésha Burgess, Award-Winning Journalist, New Age Thought Leader, & Goodwill Humanitarian. Georgia-USA The Ghana Garden and Flower Show is a movement for not only health, but wealth! One