I'm Timmésha Burgess
Author | Speaker | Certified Sexuality Educator | Humanitarian | Award-Winning Journalist & Media Personality
Years Experience
Awards Winning
Published Articles
Published Book
Speaking Events
Mental Health & Self-Help
Reproductive Rights & Prochoice
Women & Girls Sexuality Education (Sexual Risk Avoidance)
Emotional Intelligence
Spirituality & Philosophy
Leadership Training & Communications/Media Development
Crisis Intervention
Timmésha is a highly sought-after public figure. Her passions involve developing new-age philosophies that bridge sexuality education and health, to help heal mental & emotional trauma for women and adolescent girls. Her teachings are tailored & targeted for healthcare professionals, counselors/therapists, educators, & sexual assault survivors. She is the CEO and 0wner of lifestyle brand ALCHEMINITY.
Spiritual Leader
Spiritual Leader
About Timmésha
Timmésha was born with a veil—a phenomenon in which babies were both feared and revered, known for having psychic powers, seen as future Dalai Lamas, and mystics. In-fact, in 2020; Timmesha was the only African American woman invited to speak on the topic of the Divine Feminine during the annual International United Consciousness Conclave; which was supported by the Dalai Lama. She is a self-help expert and specialist; helping women and girls heal their mind and bodies through comprehensive and "sacred" sexuality education via sexual risk avoidance education. Her efforts involve lobbying for reproductive rights and sustainable development goals.
Brands with Purpose
ALCHEMINITY is a lifestyle brand redefining the meaning of feminine power. Because she's not looking to run the world, but simply decides to create and run her own.
Timmésha has been featured on...

I've just published a mind-altering book just for you.
Timmésha's Blog

New Book
Activate Unorthodox philosophies that explore anxiety, depression, and suicidal thoughts as symptoms of suppressed superpower Written by: Timmésha Burgess timmeshaburgess@gmail.com www.linkedin.com/in/timmeshaburgess I hold a Bachelor’s in Sociology and a Masters

Fear of feminine power is a mental disorder
There’s a common misconception that feminine power = women only, and that cannot be further from the truth! Feminine power is an infinite energy that exists in us all, one that’s been demonized, misused, and abused for centuries.

Flora & Fauna Speaks
Written by: Timmésha Burgess, Award-Winning Journalist, New Age Thought Leader, & Goodwill Humanitarian. Georgia-USA The Ghana Garden and Flower Show is a movement for not only health, but wealth! One